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Primary Care

Safe Surgeries e-Learning - improving access to primary care

Welcome to the Safe Surgeries e-Learning course. This module aims to support GP practice staff to fully understand primary care entitlement and improve access for everyone in your local communities. Please sign up for an account to access the course.

If your Practice is not part of the network, please join through the following link:

We will then send you an email detailing next steps to become a Safe Surgery.

Please complete this form once you have completed the E-learning to share your feedback: https://forms.office.com/r/pJypNMC0iy

Any questions, please email safesurgeries@doctorsoftheworld.org.uk

Many thanks,
Safe Surgeries Team
  • Safe Surgeries e-course: improving access to primary care
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: 1 year